Thursday, 11 April 2013

RiDe Campaign - An Introduction

The Rights in Detention Campaign is a sensitization and advocacy initiative of the University of Abuja Law Clinic. The Campaign is headed by Stella Omole, Johannes Tobi Wojuola and Quincy Inoma in collaboration with members of the Law Clinic.

It is primarily aimed at providing enlightenment on the rights of persons who are in detention, especially awaiting trial detainees. Such rights are synonymous to those entitled to every Nigerian except that of personal liberty. A person detained is often looked at as a second class citizen, tortured while in custody and at times not afforded the rights accorded to awaiting trial detainees. Certain exclusive rights to arrested persons are those of Rights to Bail, to Fair Hearing, to Being Informed of Reason for Arrest and Right to Informing a Person of your choice of your being detained; sadly, several case scenarios have shown that these rights are barely enjoyed by the detainees. Thus a part of this project aims at enlightening members of the public, the armed forces and detainees of these and also the push for enforcement of these rights.

Through this medium, the RiDe Campaign of the University of Abuja Law Clinic would talk about issues that border on Human Rights, Enlightenment Programs and Case Studies as relates to the subject matter.

We do hope that you would give us your support as we make an impact in our community.



For More Info Visit
